There ain't too many fancy clothings, pretty people, smart conversations and exciting plots like other movies do. But why not? Life is ordinary, and that's what you're likely to get too. I feel it at the end of it, and that makes me really happy. Love this movie :)
挺舒服的don't be poisoned by others'perception of someone you loved.
太喜欢这种聚焦边缘人物主题的故事了男男、女女、男女三对有情人间的情感历程都充满磨难最喜欢Angel和Colins这一对两个人之间的关系最温暖最感人他从天而降在他身边又唱又笑一首I'll cover you包含了多少爱意Seasons of love 每次听都热泪盈眶我们是如何在这世间存在的我们有着不同的形态和个性尽管跌跌撞撞我们依然愿意歌唱爱分享爱拥抱爱虽然我也是普罗大众中那小部分不招人喜欢的怪咖但我依然愿意去奉献爱BGMBGM浓毛老太太希望这个世界能给我们更多的宽容更少的歧视